Content Policy

Our Commitment to Reliable Information Dissemination

Otaku Expedition is a media outlet dedicated to providing accurate information about anime for anime lovers around the world.
To this end, Otaku Expedition has established the following two policies and strives to provide reliable information.
(1) We provide information based on evidence, such as survey information collected independently and official information from program websites.
2) With a user-first spirit, we operate the site while considering what is user-friendly and useful for users on a daily basis, so that it can help them find interesting anime.
(3) We do not use any worrisome or exaggerated expressions.

Updating Information

Otaku Expedition regularly updates the content of its articles to provide the most up-to-date information.

About References

Otaku Expedition has established its own standards and uses reliable reference materials in the preparation of its articles.

  • Examples of information used as references
  • Information provided by public agencies such as government offices
  • Official information provided by program websites
  • Information that incorporates the voices of our company, our affiliated companies, our business partners, and others in the field
    Other information that we deem reliable.

Article Creation Flow


Our content director analyzes the potential problems of users and determines the genre and theme of the article.


Information obtained through research and interviews is compiled, and articles are written by our writers.


Our editors edit the manuscripts written by the writers. Here, the consistency and presentation of the manuscript is improved, and the content becomes more useful to the user.


Experts will check the content of the article to ensure that there are no errors. Information on the supervisor of the article is included in all articles.

5.Proofreading and Review

We will check the article again for errors in grammar, text, and information.

Use of AI

Otaku Expedition uses AI for some of its content.
We check the accuracy of AI content and ensure that the content is of high quality before posting it on Otaku Expedition.

Otaku Expedition's publication standards

We have established standards for information to be posted on Otaku Expedition.
We do not publish information that

  • Information that is discriminatory or slanderous
  • Information that violates laws, regulations, or public morals
  • Information that is intended to solicit religion
  • Information that lacks scientific basis
  • Information that is detrimental to user satisfaction
  • Any other contents that we deem inappropriate.
  • Translated with (free version)


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